Friday, May 08, 2015

Review: Great-Grandma's Gifts by Marianne Jones

Title: Great-Grandma's Gifts
Author: Marianne Jones
Illustrator: Karen Reinikka
Genre: Children's 
Publication Date: 23rd November 2013
Pages: 34
Book Source: From Author for Review

Synopsis: Arlene is a little girl who loves to make things. She begins by making presents for her doll, Maggie. As she grows up, she moves on to creating gifts for her own children and grandchildren. This is a lovely story that is designed to help children see a different side of the elders in their lives and understand that they were once children, too.

My Thoughts:
Great-Grandma's Gifts is such a precious read, it's one of those children's books that will hopefully be passed down through generations. I adored my Gran and loved spending time with her and my adult sons had a very special relationship with their Nana (my mum) and now with a sweet little granddaughter of my own, this story felt extra special. 

The illustrations are simple, almost child-like and I like how the descriptive words look like what is being described. It not only celebrates the bond between a child and great grandma but shows them that grandma and great grandma were once little girls too.  

It's a lovely story to share with children and one I think young readers will relate to. It invites a child in, I can imagine this encouraging a wonderful conversation between a child and parent; sharing memories, fun times, favourite things about grandma or great grandma. 

With Mother's Day approaching I think this would be a beautiful gift for a mother, grandma, great grandma or that special someone in a child's life.

Recommend: one to treasure

Purchase @Amazon


  1. Ohhhhhh I need to get this one for Brookie!!!!!

    1. she'll find it a little young but it's a lovely keepsake Julie!

  2. Sounds great - so when Mia is old enough you have a book to share!

    1. Yes Kathryn this is a lovely one to share and pass down :)

  3. I love the sound of this one! I love that it reminds children that their grandparents were once kids too and also the starting dialogues. My husband's parents and one of my grandmothers passed away before my son was born and this might be a good way to talk about them as I want him to know who they are.

  4. Replies
    1. very cute for kids and I thought it was super cute :)

  5. My daughter has a lovely relationship with my mother, this book would be lovely for them to share. Thank you for highlighting it.

    1. You're welcome :) I hope you manage to pick up a copy and your daughter and mum enjoy it!


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