Friday, December 13, 2013

Short & Sweet Review ~ Blood Phantom by Rhiannon Hart

Genre: YA Fantasy
Series: Lharmell #0.5
Format: eBook short story 
Publication Date: 9th December 2013
Pages: 15
Book Source: from author for review

Synopsis: Life in tatters and far from home, Rodden Lothskorn struggles to cope with the harming menace and his own harming nature. When an offer of marriage reaches his friend, Prince Amis, Rodden discovers that the bride’s inhospitable homeland might contain one part of the harming poison he would dearly like to get his hands on. But if summoned northwards, will Princess Lilith bring something – or someone – he dreads most with her? Locked in a years-long struggle with the Lharmellins, Rodden senses the battle is only now about to begin.

My Thoughts: 
Blood Phantom is the short story prequel to the first book in the Lharmell series, Blood Song. I kid you not this is one highly addictive series and after Blood Storm and that ending I had serious withdrawals so Blood Phantom was a short, sweet 'fix' of Lharmell ... just enough to have me salivating for the final installment, Blood Queen

It was great to get inside the enigmatic Rodden's head, get a glimpse of things from his perspective and I just love his dry sense of humour. I enjoyed the interaction between Prince Amis and Rodden too, Amis doesn't get a lot of page time in the series, he's not really a major character but it was nice to see the bond between these two. 

At only 15 pages it's something of a teaser, I might have even stamped my feet coming to the end ... wahhh where's the rest? 

*Squeee!* Blood Queen April 15th 2014 ... bring it on Rhiannon Hart (she's the author with the Lharmellin size evil streak)

Recommend: hell yeah, this series is a favourite. 

Cover: haunting ... love it!

Connect with Rhiannon Hart

Purchase Blood Phantom 


  1. 15 pages ... oh that is a TEASE!!! LOL!!!

    1. yup but I'm even more excited for Blood Queen now lol

  2. Aha short story, I thought the author was familiar but the story not

    1. this series would be right up your alley Blodeuedd!!

  3. Love your review Teddyree. Not sure why it is that I'm slow to get on the YA Fantasy bandwagon…maybe knowing I'll most likely love it and then want/need to buy more books. I will add this one to the ever-growing to read pile.


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